Birth Name

Jennifer Dusk


April 20, 1990


Vesper can fly with the use of her bat-like wings. She has the ability to create deep shadow and has a crude form of echolocation.


The Gatekeepers, 2008-2009

The Pariah Project, 2009-Present


Jennifer grew up in Texas, raised in a family with progressive views. The same cannot be said of most of her neighbors. At the age of eleven, while attending a birthday party, the birthday boy’s father detected a bulge under Jennifer’s shirt. Yanking it upward, he revealed her then-tiny wings. In his outrage, he attacked her with a broken bottle, resulting in the prominent scar across her left eye.

Once of adult age, Jennifer left Texas for California, quickly being recruited for the Gatekeepers. A year later, she left that team when Dynamistress formed the Pariah Project. She volunteers with NorCal Bats, a group dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of bats in Northern California.


Jennifer is an easy-going girl, and very intelligent, though she doesn’t flaunt this. She makes friends easily, though she is not a particularly outgoing person. Her experiences with meta-abuse left her scarred in more ways than one.

Excerpt from Redemption

“Don’t be orderin’ anythin’ with organs or whatnot,” Jennifer said to Dana as we were seated.

“You have no sense of adventure,” he said.

After we ordered our meals, we briefly told the others about our visit to the Hen & Chickens.

“Nice place,” Dana said. “And they have Brains in casks!”

The others stared at him in shock and disgust. “What’d I just say about organs?” Jennifer said, sticking her tongue out in a gag.

“It’s a brand of beer,” I said. “But given that it’s Dana, I can understand how you might assume otherwise.”

We told the others about Bronwyn as a potential information source, then worked out our general plan. Jasmine would cover the summit, trying to detect whatever she could. I’d do the same, using my energy-sensing sight. Kim would try to detect heat signatures. And Dana would try to pick up thoughts.

“An’ I’ll do what, exactly?” Jennifer said.

“You,” I said, “have the most important job.”

“Which is what?” she asked.

“You fly around me and eat all the mosquitoes.”

“Dyna!” Jasmine said, unable to contain a laugh.

“So insensitive,” Kim added. “You know she can’t fly, yet.”

Jennifer narrowed her eyes and said, “People keep tellin’ me you’re funny, but I still haven’t seen it.”

Credit Where Credit Is Due

Vesper was co-created by Roland Martinez.