Birth Name

Macy Zhang


March 4, 1994


Macy Zhang has no meta-abilities.




Macy Zhang is the daughter of a Chinese father and Spanish mother, and speaks both languages as fluently as English. She was one of Dynamistress’s earliest fans, the founder of the official Dynamistress Fan Club, and to this day maintains Dyna’s website.


Macy is a spunky, sarcastic teen. Though generally friendly, a traumatic experience when she was fifteen rendered her more withdrawn and suspicious.

Excerpt from Redemption

I’d never been great at the whole secret identity thing, so it wasn’t long before I got my first phone call from a fangirl, a spunky kid named Macy. I actually got quite a kick out of it, spending at least half an hour talking to her the first time. She called often, and one day she said, “There should be a Dynamistress fan club, I’m thinkin’.”

I laughed at the idea. “Why?”

“Because you’re cool! And you’ve been so nice, always taking my calls and stuff. I just want to do something nice for you.”

“Mace, I think you may be my only fan, but if you really want to spend your time on that, you have my blessing. Though it’s totally not necessary.”

“I’m not your only fan, and I’ll prove it! Your club will have fifty members inside a month.”


“Bet you ten bucks.”

“You’re on.”

“Awesome! I’m gonna send you an email, okay? With some stuff I’ll need from you.”

“As long as it’s not a blood sample.”

Of course, it wasn’t just fans who’d call. The occasional male caller would ask if I wore panties under my tights. I’d get calls asking me to be a spokesperson for a particular group or product.

Eventually, I got rid of my landline and utilized my cell phone exclusively. Got a different email address, which I gave to Macy, along with my cell number. She texts me. A lot.

Credit Where Credit Is Due

Macy Zhang was co-created by Joe Martinez.