Birth Name

Oscar Helman


February 5, 1974


Hellion can generate blasts of flame at a moderate range and heat intensity.




Helman grew up in the Sunnydale are of San Francisco, surrounded by poverty and crime. After his abilities manifested, he dropped out of school and began a life of crime that has landed him behind bars repeatedly.


Hellion is arrogant and angry and is likely a true sociopath, having apparently no sincere feelings for other people.

Excerpt from Reckoning

After eating, I walked the short distance to my apartment, while Sinta headed for the Muni. I entered the lobby, checked my mailbox, and walked up to the third floor. I put the key in the lock and turned it.

The blast was strong enough to literally embed me into the wall behind me. Flames and smoke poured out my doorway. My vision swum as I gasped for breath, but I saw what I hoped were other residents running for the stairs at either end of the hall. I heard laughter as a figure walked out of my burning apartment. Hellion.

He continued chuckling as he stood in front of me and took stock of my situation, looking at my body stuck halfway through the flimsy wall of the hallway. I could barely think straight, too stunned from the shock to do anything to free myself.

“Nice,” he said with a smile. “Good blowback on that one.” Then his voice hardened. “So you’re the dyke my ex has been screwing.”

Credit Where Credit Is Due

Hellion was co-created by Erica Stratten.