Birth Name

Esteban Martillo


August 22, 1984


El Martillo (“The Hammer”) has immense physical strength and super-dense, tough skin.


The Bay Scouts (2001-2006)

Los Campeónes (2006-present)


El Martillo is very private about his life and little is known about his years prior to joining the Bay Scouts. After the dissolution of that team, he moved to San Diego to join Los Campeónes.


Esteban is a quiet, polite, and respectful individual.

Excerpt from Reckoning

Valora was pummeling me. I was completely on the defensive, unable to get a blast in to knock her away.

A deep voice came from behind Valora. “Perdóname, señorita.” And then Esteban pulled Valora from me and commenced hammering.